Letter from a Mistress to a Wife

This is one of the letter’s I received from a real-life mistress written to a wife. It’s one of the letter’s not chosen for the book’s final print, so I have shared it with you in its entirety. I cannot wait to get your feedback on this letter, and my commentary. Get ready, here’s a “Letter from a Mistress to a Wife.”

To Anonymous Wife

What a way to let you know that your marriage isn’t real and that your husband is in love with me.  He’s going to leave you because you have never given him what he truly needs.  He tells me everything including how cold, detached and pathetic you are.  He told me he only married you and stays with you because of the kids.  Oh yea, and because you guilt him with your suicide threats.  How sick is that?  Why do you think any man would want to be with someone like that?  Why can’t you just accept that it’s over and let him go?  Don’t you think you both deserve to be happy?  I make him my first priority, and outside of checking to make sure his kids are ok, and that you haven’t slashed your wrist on any given day, I’m his priority.  If it helps at all, I didn’t know he was married at first.  I didn’t find out until after I had already fallen in love with him, and now, unlike you, I’ll do anything to make sure he’s happy and stays that way.  I know this letter makes me sound like a coldhearted B**** but I’m not.  I’m just sick of women like you, and this Author, blaming other women because you can’t hold on to your husbands.  It’s not my fault that your marriage hasn’t worked since the day you said, “I do.”  It’s not my fault that you haven’t had sex with each other in years.  It’s not my fault you had kids to try and hold on to a man who told you he wasn’t happy even before you had them.  It’s not my fault you didn’t do everything in your power to hold on to a wonderful man.  And it’s certainly not my fault that you’re about to be divorced.  The two of you chose not to make your marriage last forever. I’m just the woman he found who finally makes him happy and shows him what a real relationship is like.  So before you and this writer lady point your finger at anyone else, you both need to take a good hard look in the mirror and accept responsibility for what you did to ruin your marriages. 


Not My Fault

This letter shows exactly why I had to write this book.  This “woman” has shown a complete lack of empathy for another woman.  While suicide is not a game to be used to manipulate others, this lady, nor any of us knows what this wife’s mental state is; she may not be using it to make her husband stay married to her.  Speaking for myself, and many of the other wives who wrote to me, the thoughts, and even the attempts of suicide, have absolutely nothing to do with trying to keep our husband’s at home.  That dark place comes because the pain we’re enduring is absolutely unbearable at times.  Waking up to sadness, going through the day in sadness, and ending each day utterly wrecked inside are the reasons for those types of thoughts and feelings.  So, for this woman, really anyone, to mock and downplay the seriousness of that state of mind, is sad and quite frankly disgusting.

This is yet another woman full of herself because a cheater has told her what she needs to hear, so he can play both sides against the middle.  The actual thing that is sad is that women still fall for the words of someone who is clearly showing they are dishonest, and has no respect for either woman.  Ladies, a cheater does not go from being a consummate liar to his wife, to being Honest Abe with you!  Allow me to also set the record straight.  Wives understand, and don’t have a problem with women who get involved with their husband if they didn’t know he was married.  We do have a problem with the women who find out, and instead of doing the right thing and breaking it off, justify their decision for staying with him, thereby making a conscious decision to make themselves complicit in the destruction of a family.

While many agree with me that loyalty is what’s lacking in the female community, many don’t.  I truly believe that if we were more loyal to one another, these types of discussions would be moot.  We would look out for each other, even protect each other from unnecessary heartache.  While it is not our responsibility to ensure each other’s marriages don’t go off the rails, I do believe that adultery would barely be an issue if we had the utmost respect for one another.  If we would just put ourselves in each other’s shoes, a book like “Woman to Woman” wouldn’t even be necessary.  Alas, here we are, in a sad state of disconnect, where some women have become just as selfish, and self-centered as the philanderer’s themselves.

My sisters, if we don’t look out for each other then all is lost.  We are the force behind, inside, next to, and in front of all good things that happen in the world.  However, with the continuing decline in good morals, and with more and more women unashamedly doing all they can to best other women at any cost (for no real prize mind you), all good things will come to end.  Unless we strengthen the bonds of our sisterhood by establishing, and exercising true loyalty towards one another in our daily connections, the power we wield as women will soon be gone.  I’ve said it before, and after reading that letter, I’ll say it again…loyalty is key.

I welcome your feedback and comments on this, or any of my other posts.  Please be sure and read some of the real-life letters from other wives and mistresses in previous blogs.  They are excerpts from my upcoming book, “Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses.”

If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read here, or in any of my other posts, please subscribe to this once-a-week blog.  Thank you for your support.


  1. Nora Shirley says:

    Heartless is the word that came to mind immediately. She was bragging and tearing this wife to shreds, with no remorse. Her comment that neither tried to give the importance their marriage deserves, shows she doesn’t respect him as well. What does that expose to the future of her relationship with him!?!

    • Maria says:

      She was referring to the wife and the author of this book. Not the wife and her lover.

      • TJ says:

        Yes, this mistress had no respect for the wife, or me as the Author. That is the problem. We have to do better by each other.

    • TJ says:

      Hi Nora! We both know what her future looks like. If only every wife got to be there to see the comeuppance of the person who had a hand in wronging them! We know the statistics, and really the common sense of it all…relationships that start in this way, have a blip of a chance of turning into something long term, and even less, turn into a marriage. Thank you so much for continuing to weigh in on this emotional, but much need conversation. Your support means a lot to me.

  2. Weezy says:

    Ughhh (sigh)… where to start .. let me first woosah.. okay. This chicken-head, I call her that because she does not deserve to be called a woman in my opinion. Does she not think he will do the same to her? Why is he still married, hello… he is a cheater and a liar in order to satisfy his own selfish desires. When SHE no longer satisfies him, he will absolutely do the same to her. He has no respect or loyalty to women so what will stop him from doing this again. Does she really think her stuff is gold? Stop it, quit fooling yourself. And for you to not take one ounce of responsibility shows your narcissistic attitude. You need to take ownership of your OWN behavior and the consequences of that behavior. Until you accept responsibility for your actions, it’ll be very difficult for you to develop self-respect or even have the respect of others. Which clearly your current decision to stay with a married man shows a lack of respect for YOURSELF, his wife and other women in general.

    It is true that all human beings make mistakes and make poor choices. The same goes for when we fail to ACT when we know better. You might not face consequences for your bad decision …TODAY of being with a married man. However, make no mistake about it, eventually this poor choice will catch up with you in the end and it will cause more pain for you down the road. So think again when you say “it’s not my fault”. Girl please.. BYE

    There is no better quote than: “When you blame others, you give up your power to change.”
    Robert Anthony

    • TJ says:

      I agree with you 100%! It really does come down to accepting PERSONAL responsibility for what we do. I only disagree with the use of the word “mistake.” When any of us makes a conscious decision to do something, be it for the positive or the negative, we have made a choice. To that end, this woman has made a bad choice, not a mistake. Thank you so much for getting in on this conversation. It takes honest communication to fix any problem. I can actually feel your passionate expressions, and I can tell they are genuine. Your support means the world to me. Please keep talking about this problem right along with me.

  3. Kayj says:

    I cannot believe anyone would write this. I honestly empathize with both women. It takes a person in a really dark place to express these thoughts to another human being. Anyone who have had to witness a friend or family member contemplate suicide or suffer from depression know that the suffering is real even if we think for one second it is not, it should not be taken lightly. It is 2020, let us spread love and have compassion for each other.

    • LeTisha says:

      Hi Kayj. It is hard to fathom a woman having no sympathy for another woman, especially when she is in the wrong. I was one of those wives who contemplated suicide while going through my situation with my ex husband, and not because I wanted to leave per se, but simply because the daily pain was indescribable. I went to sleep crying, and every morning waking up alone, knowing where he was, began my day the way the night before ended. My upcoming book is already sparking this much needed, and very serious conversation, between women; it’s why my book is all about women and has nothing to do with the men, and not because I’m letting them off the hook but because what ultimately needs to change (since the men aren’t going to) is the dynamic between us sisters. We have to do better by one another, and “Woman to Woman” is just the book to do that. I hope you will keep with me and definitely stay a wonderful and positive force during the conversations. Thank you for so much for taking the time to weigh in, I look forward to reading more from you.

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